This is how the phone numbers will appear in your Inventory. There are 4 colors that represent 4 different phone number states:
Whenever a phone number is in the Error state, and we determine that it is not because of a Port In or PSTN error, we will mark the number for removal from our Inventory. If the number has ported away, you may be charged Port Out fees for the numbers we remove.
Info |
Numbers will appear in an Error state for a few days after they first Port In. This is because our network does not have any background traffic to compare them to. Don't worry though - they will switch to being green quickly |
Phone Calls
In order to test all of our numbers, we place a call to all of them. This call is free and will not show up on your CDRs or hit your PBX. However, because we are programmatically calling all of our numbers (a Skyetel engineer is not manually calling them), it is possible for us to call numbers that are listed in our Inventory that are not actually on the Skyetel Network. This is the case for numbers that have Ported Out, or have not yet finished Porting In.